Legislation Activity

Drafting the concept of the new bill for one of the major Russian banks that reforms the legislation on indemnification. Drafting the amendment bill to the article 406.1 of the Russian Civil Code and the explanatory note to it.

Our client is one of the largest Russian banks. The bank often has to structure corporate legal relations under Russian law. The significant problem of the Russian legislature is overly restrictive nature of indemnification (Article 406.1 of the Russian Civil Code).

Our client is one of the largest Russian banks. The bank often has to structure corporate legal relations under Russian law. The significant problem of the Russian legislature is overly restrictive nature of indemnification (Article 406.1 of the Russian Civil Code). Most of the stipulated limitations are unreasonable and make effective allocation of risks difficult for business.

We have prepared a full overview of the leading legal systems’ approaches to regulation of the indemnification and its’ equivalents for our client. Based on the best legislative practices we developed the concept of the amendment bill to the current legislation on indemnification as well as the bill itself and the explanatory note to it. The extensive experience in legislative work of PB Legal | Panin, Bayramkulov & Partners made it possible to draft these documents which should form the basis of the civil law reform in terms of indemnification.